She's Out of My League (2010)

How can a 10 go for a 5?

IMDb 6.4/10 (145,963) | FilmTotaal 6.4/10 (44)

104 minuten |  Komedie, Romantiek

Filmposter van de film She's Out of My League

Een gewone man ontmoet de perfecte vrouw, maar door zijn gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen en de invloed van zijn familie en vrienden gaat het steeds minder goed met hun relatieĀ…

Toegevoegd 2012-05-28 11:23 | Laatst gewijzigd 2025-02-13 07:00

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Alle uitzenddata

Datum Tijd Titel Zender IMDb score IMDb stemmen FT score FT stemmen
01-08-2024 23:00 - 01:05 She's Out of My League Net5 6.4/10 145,963 6.4/10 44
19-08-2023 21:55 - 00:00 She's Out of My League Net5 6.4/10 141,053 6.4/10 44
21-11-2021 20:00 - 22:00 She's Out of My League Comedy Central 6.4/10 133,577 6.4/10 44
04-02-2021 20:30 - 22:55 She's Out of My League Comedy Central 6.4/10 127,073 6.4/10 44
31-01-2021 20:00 - 22:25 She's Out of My League Comedy Central 6.4/10 126,965 6.4/10 44
18-09-2020 21:55 - 00:25 She's Out of My League Comedy Central 6.4/10 124,936 6.4/10 44
13-09-2020 20:00 - 22:10 She's Out of My League Comedy Central 6.4/10 124,863 6.4/10 44
31-01-2020 20:00 - 22:10 She's Out of My League Comedy Central 6.4/10 120,154 6.4/10 44
25-01-2020 19:00 - 21:10 She's Out of My League Comedy Central 6.4/10 120,048 6.4/10 44
17-11-2018 23:40 - 01:40 She's Out of My League RTL8 6.4/10 113,905 6.4/10 44
08-09-2018 23:40 - 01:45 She's Out of My League RTL8 0/10 0 6.4/10 44
11-04-2018 20:30 - 22:40 She's Out of My League RTL8 6.4/10 109,982 6.4/10 44
27-05-2017 00:25 - 02:05 She's Out of My League BBC Two 6.4/10 105,621 6.4/10 44
14-11-2016 00:30 - 02:10 She's Out of My League BBC One 6.4/10 102,999 6.4/10 44
13-05-2015 22:20 - 00:25 She's Out of My League Net5 6.4/10 93,658 6.4/10 42
20-01-2015 20:30 - 22:15 She's Out of My League Viaplay TV 6.4/10 91,296 6.4/10 42
15-09-2014 00:20 - 02:00 She's Out of My League BBC Two 6.4/10 88,387 6.4/10 42
21-09-2013 00:40 - 02:20 She's Out of My League BBC Two 6.4/10 74,019 6.4/10 42
26-01-2013 00:25 - 02:00 She's Out of My League BBC Two 6.4/10 63,053 6.6/10 39
03-01-2013 20:30 - 22:35 She's Out of My League Veronica 6.4/10 61,615 6.6/10 37
29-05-2012 20:30 - 22:35 She's Out of My League Veronica 6.5/10 48,120 6.6/10 33