In Which We Serve (1942)

IT STANDS ALONE - The Greatest Of All Motion Pictures! [Australia theatrical]

IMDb 7.2/10 (6,551) | FilmTotaal 7.5/10 (2)

114 minuten |  Drama, Oorlog

Filmposter van de film In Which We Serve

De Britse destroyer Torrin wordt voor de kust van Kreta tot zinken gebracht. Kapitein Kinross en zijn bemanning lijken reddeloos verloren.

Toegevoegd 2013-08-29 23:40 | Laatst gewijzigd 2025-03-19 07:00

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Datum Tijd Titel Zender IMDb score IMDb stemmen FT score FT stemmen
19-10-2024 10:40 - 12:30 In Which We Serve BBC Two 7.2/10 6,551 7.5/10 2
01-07-2023 14:15 - 16:05 In Which We Serve BBC Two 7.2/10 6,163 7.5/10 2
02-01-2023 10:20 - 12:10 In Which We Serve BBC Two 7.2/10 5,989 7.5/10 2
14-05-2022 15:10 - 17:00 In Which We Serve BBC Two 7.2/10 5,767 7.5/10 2
05-09-2021 14:30 - 16:20 In Which We Serve BBC Two 7.2/10 5,443 7.5/10 2
11-09-2020 15:30 - 17:20 In Which We Serve BBC Two 7.2/10 5,027 7.5/10 2
21-03-2020 17:35 - 19:30 In Which We Serve BBC Two 7.2/10 4,846 7.5/10 2
03-06-2019 16:20 - 18:15 In Which We Serve BBC One 7.3/10 4,594 7.5/10 2
06-01-2019 14:40 - 16:35 In Which We Serve BBC One 7.3/10 4,465 7.5/10 2
23-08-2018 13:00 - 14:50 In Which We Serve BBC One 0/10 0 7.5/10 2
25-02-2017 09:10 - 11:00 In Which We Serve BBC One 7.3/10 3,920 7.5/10 2
02-07-2016 09:25 - 11:15 In which we serve BBC One 7.3/10 3,713 7.5/10 2
07-03-2015 14:10 - 16:00 In Which We Serve BBC One 7.4/10 3,361 7.5/10 2
23-08-2014 13:40 - 15:30 In Which We Serve BBC One 7.4/10 3,168 7.5/10 2
30-08-2013 14:45 - 16:35 In Which We Serve BBC One 7.3/10 2,780 7.5/10 2