The Fast and the Furious (2001)

When the sun goes down, Another world comes to life

IMDb 6.8/10 (424,040) | FilmTotaal 6.4/10 (131)

106 minuten |  Actie, Drama, Misdaad, Thriller

Filmposter van de film The Fast and the Furious

Domenic Toretto is de leider van een straatbende die er van verdacht wordt dure electronische apparatuur gestolen te hebben. Een jonge politieman moet vervolgens infiltreren in de wereld van straatracers in Los Angeles.

Toegevoegd 2012-03-16 18:48 | Laatst gewijzigd 2025-01-27 07:00

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Alle uitzenddata

Datum Tijd Titel Zender IMDb score IMDb stemmen FT score FT stemmen
10-08-2024 20:30 - 22:30 The Fast and the Furious Viaplay TV 6.8/10 424,040 6.4/10 131
24-04-2024 23:00 - 00:05 The Fast and the Furious Viaplay TV 6.8/10 419,259 6.4/10 131
22-04-2024 20:30 - 22:35 The Fast and the Furious Viaplay TV 6.8/10 419,127 6.4/10 131
18-07-2023 20:30 - 22:30 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.8/10 404,072 6.4/10 131
03-08-2022 20:30 - 22:35 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.8/10 381,644 6.4/10 131
23-03-2021 20:30 - 22:35 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.8/10 350,351 6.4/10 131
10-04-2020 21:30 - 23:40 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.8/10 333,362 6.4/10 131
11-08-2019 20:30 - 22:40 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.8/10 323,501 6.4/10 131
19-10-2018 20:30 - 22:40 The Fast and the Furious Viaplay TV 6.8/10 310,325 6.4/10 131
14-10-2018 20:30 - 22:35 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.8/10 310,181 6.4/10 131
26-03-2018 22:50 - 00:55 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.7/10 302,832 6.4/10 131
01-01-2018 20:30 - 22:40 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.7/10 299,246 6.4/10 131
10-04-2017 20:30 - 22:40 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.7/10 284,347 6.4/10 131
04-04-2016 20:30 - 22:35 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.7/10 264,131 6.3/10 131
12-08-2015 20:30 - 22:35 The Fast and the Furious RTL7 6.7/10 244,513 6.4/10 127
10-02-2015 22:50 - 00:55 The Fast and the Furious RTL7 6.6/10 217,459 6.4/10 122
03-09-2014 20:30 - 22:35 The Fast and the Furious RTL7 6.6/10 201,399 6.4/10 119
24-09-2013 22:45 - 00:55 The Fast and the Furious Veronica 6.4/10 167,199 6.3/10 110
23-05-2013 20:30 - 22:35 The Fast and the Furious RTL7 6.4/10 151,677 6.3/10 104
12-03-2013 22:45 - 00:50 The Fast and the Furious RTL7 6.3/10 145,033 6.3/10 102
17-03-2012 20:00 - 22:05 The Fast and the Furious RTL7 6.2/10 107,476 6.3/10 91